Our Area Secretary,
Brian, has been successful in getting a grant from the Central Committee
to buy a lap top computer and a set of two way radios, both of which
will be very useful pieces of equipment. Our grateful thanks go to the
Committee for their generosity in favouring our application. I
understand that this central fund comes from Gift Aid, and if you have
not already done so I would recommend that you sign up for it if you are
an Income Tax payer as this is to everyone’s advantage.

the time you read this our Annual Show at the Yorkshire Air Museum will
be over and those of you who went no doubt had a great time and
alongside the military vehicles managed to have a look at their latest
acquisition, a recently retired RAF Nimrod.
Still at the Museum, we
have been invited to bring our vehicles along to a new and potentially
exciting event that will take place on the airfield. It will be held on
the weekend of 31stJuly/1st August and be a sort of replacement for the
old air show. Brian will circulate more details as soon as we have them
and publish them on our website.
There is very little to
report this quarter given that the big freeze covered nearly all this
reporting period. I can tell you, however, that Big Dave’s Ferret was
used to promote the stage play Hitler, My Part In His Downfall by Spike
Milligan, in Bradford and York. A gang of us went to see it. I was not
alone in thinking it was terrible, whilst others were a little more
generous and Dave saw it in York really enjoyed it.
Anyway Dave and John had
an interesting day in York city centre despite Dave enduring a
temperature of -19C in his Ferret on the way there. I am sure, Becky,
their companion in York made the visit at least bearable. See photo. The
other photograph was taken at Tadcaster last April prior to the Crank Up
road run into York. Without doubt the Reo’s are certainly an
impressive truck whose design goes back to 1950!
Mike Humphreys.