Yet another event in our
region took place at the Ponderosa in Heckmondwyke over the weekend of
the 9th-10th July just before the print deadline for this issue. Now in
its’ 3rd year a great deal of effort had been put in by the owner
Howard Cook and his staff to build this into a major event.
Stuart Wright from the
club has been heavily involved in its organisation and we certainly owe
him grateful thanks for all his hard work over the past few months. We
were lucky in the main with the weather just having to dodge a few very
heavy showers. This did not dampen the enthusiasm for what the
commentator saw, in his experience, as the largest battle re enactment
yet staged in the UK.
This took place on both
afternoons against a backdrop of ex stage sets and an important
‘bridge’. Tanks, halftracks, 25pdrs, mixed infantry and plenty of
impressive pyrotechnics kept the crowds attention for almost an hour on
each afternoon. I suspect there were a few ears ‘ringing’ after