At last the long dark winter days give way to better, brighter times…
The time however has not been wasted, as our members have been busily spending the time on so many new projects hopefully ready as event attendance become possible once again.
In deepest West Yorkshire many things are afoot; StuartWright, founder of the Yorkshire Wartime Experience Weekend events,
his 1942 South African Marmon Herrington MKIV armoured car saved from a local museum’s closure has been progressing restoration. Images show good progress and his dedication to the project.

Tom & John Gray, father and son team, who are known to so many of you – have added a military dozer to their garden, what will they do next?–captions most welcome!
Continuing our round up of restorations; Ivor and Jim Waterhouse continue to crank up work their Humber LRC, which now taking shape, great dedication to restoring the correct look and fittings in their new workshop.
Not to be left out, together with my cousin John, I have added a Willys MB to keep “Bessie” the RAF GMC company, lockdown allowed me with the very capable assistance of Adam Wright at MV Depot to dismantle and rebuild the jeep, look forward to driving to at least one event this year, fingers crossed we have them back.

Finally, further north, our area web-master and photographer in chief, Stephen Carr, should perhaps have an award for the most posts on social media during the past
year (
SAC, I was out in
the Jeeps lots in 2020
), has just moved closer to the Yorkshire area from our
Durham-Tees Valley area friends and neighbours. Stephen’s two Jeeps and Dodge
( and many model R/C aircraft ) are well known to many of us and their photo trips out to local airfields and local landmarks are a joy to many.
Happy new home and bigger workshop Stephen!
Keep safe and well everyone and here’s to getting together soon.
Paul Mayo