is an annual event held at Rufford Abbey Country Park near Ollerton,
Nottinghamshire, just off the A614, four or five miles south of the
Worksop roundabout on the A1.
A ruined Abbey and 17th century country house help create a
beautiful setting and good feel to the place which covers some 150
acres and has a lake and sculpture garden.
is not a military vehicle gathering, but instead focuses on civilian
re enactors and period cars with a few mvs and troops to complete the
wartime scene. |
arrived on the Friday and were made most welcome. Space was not at a
premium (I believe it could be an invited groups only do) and each
group had ample room to set up across the well cut grassed area. A
separate field, well away from the attractions, was given over to
weather has a huge influence on our hobby and, fortunately, this
weekend was really warm and sunny. This allowed everyone to soak up
the atmosphere, dine outside the excellent café, dance in the
courtyard if they wished, watch the work of bomb disposal, drill by
the East.Yorks, 25 pounders being brought into action and fired, or
the NFS at work etc. |
period cars were in superb condition and made me wonder whether one of
these might be a more sensible approach to getting involved as age
takes its toll – heresy I hear you say. |
well as a large café there is a restaurant which I should have had a
look at. A large marquee was available for Saturday night dressing up,
drinking (your own) and dancing, but was a little short on seating and
seemed odd without a bar. I think I needed a bar. |
BBMF Dakota did the honours with a series of low level flypasts with
the loadmaster hanging out of the door waving to the crowd. The
Garrison had set up a very authentic looking plotting room in the
abbey undercroft with Wrens and ATS ladies. |
failed to take a photograph of this, which is very remiss of me, but
my camera was mysteriously broken over the weekend and even when
working produced very poor shots with the flash. I hope someone did
because a lot of effort had been put in. They also operate a large
field kitchen for their members providing 3 cooked meals day on wood
burning ‘stove pipe’ cookers.
Jones and his wife Jen, from Todmorden, provided lead vehicle with
their Jeep for the mini convoy home via the A1. This was followed by 2
Quad limbers and guns and a Matador and 5.5. I was in the latter, and
I must say, apart from the noise level in the cab, was most impressed
by its towing capabilities and the ride generally as we tootalled
along at 35mph.
a small but very relaxed event with plenty of civilian wartime things
to see, with enough military for the enthusiasts. Most of the photos
were taken early morning before the site got busy. People photos were
taken by Red Zebra and can be seen on their website.