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 Skipton Armed Forces Day - June 28th
By Mike Humphreys

At short notice our Area was asked if we could provide some vehicles to be a backdrop and added interest to Skipton’s contribution to the National Armed Forces Day. I am pleased to say that we had some members, including myself able to get there for the celebration.
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Maurice and Peter came in their Jeep, Wayne in the Pink Panther, Ivor and Sue in the Humber, Brandon with his Dodge and myself and Sue in the Bedford OXD. We’d been asked to arrive early before the main street became permanently closed with barriers and a covered announcement centre.

As luck would have it, excellent weather helped the event and we were treated to some fine music from the Air Cadet Band ( Knareborough?), a British Legion Band which included a WW2 veteran drummer!, and later in the day the Leeds City Pipe Band. The local Sea Cadets put on a drill display and throughout the day the number of veterans and public increased but it never got over busy. Still, it was an excellent first time event.

To end the day a large parade of veterans, bands and cadets formed up and marched up the High St and then lined up in front of the Town Hall. To mark the occasion the special flag that had been flying was presented to the wife of the oldest surviving POW in the area. Sadly, he was too ill to attend. Apparently, this was done Nationally. The parade then marched back down the High St.

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