Open Air Museum - "Dig for Victory
- September 1~4th
By Stephen A. Carr
"Dig for Victory" event was in its second year at Beamish. The
event was on for four days, 'though we could only attend one day. We
took both Jeeps along, and were joined by another half dozen MV's,
stopping at the 1940's farm for a free bacon breakfast before heading to
the show field. The weather forecast was for heavy rain most of the day,
and while it did start at 11am, it got lighter and stopped mid
a briefing, we convoyed around the site road, through the town, past the
entrance, and back to the show field. After that, we were free to drive
around the site at any time. Soon after returning from the convoy, we
set off to the town in 'Hope' to visit the cafe, and get a few photos of
the Jeep in a period setting. As we came back out, the rain started.
Later in the morning, we took 'Jessie' around the site, parking near the
1940's farm for a while. There were a number of displays around the
farm, but as the rain was at its heaviest at this time, I stayed with
the Jeep. |
lunch, we took both Jeeps for a drive around the site in the pouring
rain, stopping at the entrance only until the trams cleared the road,
before returning to the show field again. The rain started to ease after
this, and it eventually dried up, allowing a wander over to the station.
Late afternoon, we took both Jeeps out again, stopping in town to get
photos of both Jeeps together. We returned to the show field one last
time to suit up for the cold trip home, and shortly after setting off
home, the rain started again. We got home with is still raining and had
to put the Jeeps away with wet canvas. |