I trailered the Jeep down to Elvington, as was easier, cheaper and quicker than driving. I took Jessie again this year, but in the RAF Ordnance Depot markings. I didn't have any display, other than a few crates, as last year, my photographic display was quite tying, having to be packed away, every time I went for a wander around, as there was nobody else to watch over it.
The control tower restoration is coming along well on the outside and it is still empty on the inside. There were a good selection of vehicles on show, mostly with an RAF or Commonwealth Forces markings. There were still a few US marked vehicles on show too.
Lots of the aircraft had been moved around since last year, many probably to get the Halifax out of the hangar. As a result, I got a better view of some airframes and saw some in daylight that were indoors last year.
The Halifax looked great outdoors again and I took the opportunity to take more photos of it as the sun went down.
The C-47 Skytrain/Dakota was also outdoors, but this year sporting invasion stripes on the upper surfaces.
This year, there were also a good collection of classic cars on show, plus a couple of vintage
On Friday evening, I took the Jeep over to the Halifax for some pictures with the Jeep in different markings to past events.




On Sunday, there was also a photoshoot with a number of the aircrew re-enactors.
Somewhere I hadn't found in previous visits was the memorial garden. Also in the chapel, I found a wartime map of the airfield, something else I've not seen before.