Winter Door
Field Modification Page 2
door isn't quite as tall as the rear side panel. It is only just tall
enough to tuck under the roof canvas. This allows water to drain down
the outside, but doesn't prevent it from opening. |
allow the door to close fully, a couple of cutouts had to be made in
the frame to clear the door strap eyelet and the screen stay on the
windscreen frame. Once that was done, the windows were marked out
and then cut. The window in the door was made larger than the original
to give better visibility on today's busy roads. |
first picture shows the door from inside the jeep and the screen stay
and door eyelet can also be seen in the picture. To the right, the
door open showing the door frame. |
the doors are painted, the bare wood is primed with PVA glue to seal
the grain. Prior to fixing in the glazing, the inside of the door
where the window will attach was painted in olive drab. |
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